Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Practice Space Art

Here is a picture I drew at practice after thinking about The Beatles for a while.
"All My Lovin" was on my mind. I changed the words to "I'm So Sleepy," with
a standard variation as follows. "I sleep at home everyday/when I'm at home I'm 
asleep/baby I'm so sleepy/with you" etc. Eventually I put the word boogers in 
there. Not sure why, but it seemed to fit. Then I changed the band name. Here is 
a photo of John Lennon of The Boogers performing on the Ed Sullivan show. 

As a side note, most items on the bulletin board at the practice space are defaced in
a week, and few items last more than for teen days; this picture has been up for a 
month. The only vandalism is some genitalia added to Lennon, which, you 
know, whatever. Rock and Roll. 

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